16 Oktober 2014

Der von Tekcnoplast hergestellte Fahrbahnteiler wurde von World Highways rezensiert, einer von den wichtigsten Zeitschriften im Bereich Bauhandwerk und Infrastrukturen der Welt.

Der von Tekcnoplast hergestellte Fahrbahnteiler wurde von World Highways rezensiert, einer von den wichtigsten Zeitschriften im Bereich Bauhandwerk und Infrastrukturen der Welt.

Der Artikel:

Italian company Tekcnoplast is offering a new variant of its plastic lane separation product. The firm’s Road Separator is used as a temporary barrier for marking out lanes and can be sand or water-filled for safety and stability. There are two new models, the NJ60/1l and NJ70/1l, which are derivations of the earlier NJ60/1, NJ70/1, but all of which are 1m long by 400mm wide. The NJ60/1 and NJ60/1l are 600mm high, while the NJ70/1 and NJ70/1l are 700mm high. The new models have been designed to improve stackability and a customer can fit nearly twice as many units into the same space as for the earlier types, which helps reduce transport and storage costs. The new NJ60/1l and NJ70/1l also feature mid-mounted filling points while the existing NJ60/1, NJ70/1 have filling points to one side. Manufactured from a high grade, UV-stabilised polyethylene, these units feature an easy-to-use linking system, which enables the user to set out lane dividers for straight or curved configurations. The products can be fitted with signposts to alert drivers as well as a recess for a road lamp or reflector on each side to improve conspicuity. 


Tekcnoplast ist Branchenführer im Brereich Rotationsformen bzw. In der Produktion von Produkten für Bauhandwerk und Industrie wie Schuttrutsche, Trichter, Kasten aus Polyethylen, Tanken und Stuhle für Boote und Camper, Deckel für Müllcontainer, Vasen für Garten und Innenräume, Ausstattung aus Kunststoff.

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